A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.

Writers' Impressions of Knoxville

I always like summer best

You can eat fresh corn

From daddy's garden

And okra and greens and cabbage

And lots of barbecue and buttermilk

And homemade ice cream

At the church picnic

And listen to gospel music outside

At the church homecoming

And go to the mountains with your grandmother

And go barefoot

And be warm

All the time not only when you go to bed

And sleep

"Knoxville, Tennessee" by Nikki Giovanni

who spent much of her childhood on

Mulvaney Street near this spot.


Looking up and down the river, I

wondered why Americans spend

thousands of dollars to travel

to other countries for a vacation.

The scenery along the Tennessee

River is at least as beautiful as

that along the Li River, the legendary

scenic spot in southern China...

Knoxville, a medium-sized city built

on low hills covered with lush, green

trees and grass... is a beautiful

city, but what I like most about it

is its quietness.

Chinese author Liu Zongren, of his stay

in Knoxville in 1982, in his book, Two

Years in the Melting Pot.

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