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Veterans Plaza Vietnam War

Dedicated to the memory of the brave Americans from Shelby County who died in the Vietnam War Abbott, James M. Alexander, Elton H. Allen, Dan S. III Andre, Howard V. Jr Bailey, James R. Bailey,...

Dedicated to the memory of the brave Americans from Shelby County who died in the Vietnam War Abbott, James M. Alexander, Elton H. Allen, Dan S. III Andre, Howard V. Jr Bailey, James R. Bailey, William E. Baker, Gerald D. Baldridge, John R. Jr. Bentley, James E. Jr. Blakely, Edwin Jr. Blanton, James L. Jr. Blythe, Terry Bolton, James J. Bonner, Charles L. Brewer, James L. Brinkman, James M. III Brubaker, Harold R. Bullard, Stephen E. Burns, John R. Butler, Robert E. Campbell, Thomett D. Canning, Richard B. Cash, Jerry M. Chambers, Thomas B. Chamblee, Dickey Chandler, Thomas J. Jr. Cheney, David P. Jr. Chitwood, Harold L. Clark, Bobby J. Clark, Lorenzo Cleave, Lonnie L. Coalston, Echol W. Coggins, William R. Collier, Junius C. Collier, Lawrence H. Collier, William F. Conner, Jerome Cooperwood, Jack J. III Cox, Joseph L. Crain, Carroll O. Jr. Crawford, James D. Crawford, James E. Creighton, Paul B. Crutchfield, Terry W. Cummings, Dave Jr. Cunningham, John E. Jr. Dallas, Richard H. Davis, Richard H. Delaney, Donney Derry, David W. Dickinson, Thomas M. Douglas, James T. Dowdy, William Dye, Ralph V. Jr. Edwards, Charles L. Edwards, Gilbert Ervin, Jerry G. Erwin, Youeal D. Estes, Douglas D. Evans, William L. Feltner, Gerard L. Fields, Jerry L. Fisher, Harry Fitzgerald, Manfred W. Fleming, Willie J. Fletcher, Jerry Fort, Melvin F. Gill, William R. Jr. Goodman, Charles O. Gray, Jesse A. Gray, Jimmie D. Griffin, Robert E. Grisham, Charles C. Hall, Frank Jr. Hampton, Walter J. Hankins, Thomas M. Harden, Daniel D. Hardin, Phillip R. Harper, William C. Harrington, Charles J. Harris, John C. Harrison, Billy G. Harrison, Richard E. Harrison, Walter C. Jr. Hartley, William L. Heiskell, Lucius L. Henderson, Donnell Henry, Edward E. Hicks, Elvis G. Hiemer, Jerry A. Holeyfield, Robert E. Holmes, Edward W. Hopper, Joseph C. Howard, Donnell Howard, Ernest Hubbard, James R. Huffman, Walter L. Hughey, Chester L. Hunt, Robert E. Ivory, Michael Johnson, Alex L. Johnson, Howard Johnson, Howard L. Jones, Danny L. Jones, John F. Jones, John F. Jr. Kallaher, Charles T. Keeley, Freddie J. Kennedy, William H. Kent, William W. King, Lonnie R. Knox, Eddie L. Lacagnina, Ralph Lammey, Lloyd G. Landry, John P. Leftwich, William G. Jr. Lewis, Al R. Lewis, Thomas Lindley, Ronnie D. Linson, Robert W. Livermore, Ross W. Loden, Larry D. Madison, William C. Majors, Daniel W. Malone, Clifton Marlow, Donald R. Martin, James H. Martin, Robert T. Jr. May, Joel A. Jr. Mays, James Jr. McBroom, Eddie O. Jr. McCoy, Carl T., Jr.. McDaniel, Andrew McDonald, William E. McKee, James E. McKee, Thomas B. McNeal, Richard McRee, John H. Meister, Bernard E. Metcalf, Tom A. Mezzles, Tommy Miller, Richard D. Miller, Wayne T. Mitchell, Rochester Monger, Otha L. Moore, Percy Moore, Herbert L. Jr. Moore, Michael G. Morgan, James R. Morton, James E. Jr. Mullen, Elvis E. Murdock, Larry Nelson, Earl Nesbitt, Joseph Newman, Larry E. Nicastro, Charles E. Norvell, Jeffrey W. Nowlin, Charles D. O'Donnell, George M. O'Neal, James E. Owens, Howard N. Pace, James R. Parker, Andrew D. Jr. Patten, Carl E. Patterson, Mark Paul, Brinson I. Pegram, Richard E. Jr. Phillips, Harry V. Jr. Pipkin, Ernest G. Pitchford, L.C. Plunkett, Gerald W. Poole, William C. Prevost, Albert M. Priddy, William F. Pugh, Michael L. Qualls, Arthur G. Reilly, Donald J. Renshaw, Anderson H. III Reyes, Douglas C. Richardson, Eugene P. Jr. Richardson, Willard D. Jr. Roberts, Alfred G. Robertson, Andrew Rogers, Willie Jr. Rollins, Edwin C. Ross, Frank M. Jr. Ross, William S. Jr. Rousseau, Duane M. Rush, Marvin G. Rushton, Brian W. Rutledge, James R. Jr. Ryland, William P. Saller, Donald V. Schiller, Martin S. Jr. Shener, Karl E. Shinault, John M. Sims, Frederick A. Singleton, Walter K. Smith, Anthony Smith, Clarence E. Smith, Gary R. Smith, Ricky E. Smith, Robert L. Smith, Walter L. Smith, Gerral A. Smith, William M. Jr. South, John H. Spann, Lynn Spears, Jerry W. Springer, Charles A. Stacks, Raymond C. Stewart, David G. Stigall, Charles B. Stokes, James D. Straub, Mark A. Strausser, Paul J. Stringfellow, John D. Jr. Stroye, Ferdinand Sullivan, Lawrence M. Talbert, Claude Jr. Tanner, Raymond Tate, Charles E. Tate, James F. Taylor, George D. Taylor, Homer Jr. Thomas, Jackson Thompson, Russell L. Tillman, Cecil W. Treece, James A. Trier, Robert D. Turpin, Gordon J. Jr. Tuttle, Robert E. Udell, Mark F. Vaughan, Kelly P. Walker, Manley G. Wallace, Ulysses Walton, Eugene Washington, Larry E. Watkins, Charles E. Webb, Jackie J. Webster, Regernaild Wells, Harry L. Westbrook, James B. Whitaker, Kelly E. White, Carroll W. Whitthorne, Paul L. Jr. Wilburn, William L. Jr. Williams, David R. Williams, Robert E. Williams, Eddie J. Jr. Williamson, Charlie C. Jr. Wilson, John W.

Submitted from the Shelby County Register's Office.

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