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Richard K. Yancey (1925-2013)

The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission adopted a resolution on May 2, 2013, to rename the Red River-Three Rivers Wildlife Management Areas the Richard K. Yancey Wildlife Management Area in honor of distinguished conservationist Richard K. Yancey. A leader and pioneer for the early conservation movement in Louisiana, Yancey earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Louisiana State University in forestry and a Master of Science degree from LSU in wildlife management. Yancey's career spanned 31 years, between 1948 and 1979, and included service as Assistant Secretary of LDWF, as Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife Conservation, Executive Committee of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (State, Provencial and Federal Agencies of Canada, the US and Mexico), as Chairman of International Treaties Committee and Migratory Wildlife Committee, as Chairman of Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commissions and as President of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. He also served as Chairman of the Mississippi Flyway Council Regulations Committee and Technical Committee and Flyway Council, and was Co-Chairman of the Tensas Conservancy Coalition, which created the Tensas National Wildlife Refuge and Big Lake Wildlife Management Area. Yancey was also the recipient of many international, national and state awards for conservation and public service. This renaming is acknowledged with great pride and appreciation by his family, friends and fellow employees.

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