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William Bowditch House

The William I. Bowditch house at 9 Toxteth Street was a station on the underground railroad before the Civil War. Aboloitionists Sarah and William Bowditch provided safe haven for enslaved...

 The William I. Bowditch house at 9 Toxteth Street was a station on the underground railroad before the Civil War.  Aboloitionists Sarah and William Bowditch provided safe haven for enslaved Americans of African descent escaping from the South. Henry "Box" Brown who shipped himself in a box to gain freedom was welcomed here. Others whose names are lost to us were given refuge. We honor these people and are inspired by them.  William Bowditch, the first owner of the house at 9 Toxtetg St., was an active abolitionist who sheltered fugitive slaves and was a member of the Boston Vigilance Committee

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