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Wheeler Gravesite at Steamboat Lake

The Wheelers, their 3 small children & a dog moved from SterlingColo. to this area in 1921. After a week of travel in their Model TFord they arrived to homestead & live on 243 acres of this...

The Wheelers, their 3 small children & a dog moved from Sterling
Colo. to this area in 1921. After a week of travel in their Model T
Ford they arrived to homestead & live on 243 acres of this land,
now mostly covered by the water of the lake. The first year was the
hardest, with the deep snow & the struggle for food they survived
on snowshoe rabbits & grouse with biscuits & gravy. The Wheelers
raised their family in this area & gained a wealth of appreciation
for beauty from the surrounding mountains & valleys. Lost at birth
& buried here are two of the children of James & Rose Wheeler. A
daughter named Ruth June 20 1928 & a son named Sonny Boy Oct. 6, 1930. 

[headstones also seen in the photo]
Beloved Brother
Vernon D. Wheeler
Oct. 21, 1927
Nov. 23, 1997

Theodore K.
Aprul 16, 1932
Oct. 22, 2008

Warren V. Wheeler
Sept. 16, 1937
June 14, 2016

Submitted by John Bradley JEB

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