A plaque on the wall of the church provides a list of the Vicars of St George's: HERBERT ALLKIN 1832-1849 ALEXANDER READ 1849-1875 WILLIAM H. LOWDER, M.A. 1875-1888 WILLIAM G. BRIDGES, M.A. 1888-1906 JOHN A. DAVYS, M.A. 1906-1916 HAROLD J.GRAHAM, M.A. 1916-1931 FREDERIC C. SELLAR, M.A. 1932-1933 EDWARD V. DAWSON, B.A. 1933-1942 THOMAS A. PARKER, L.TH. 1942-1955 DUNCAN BAIRD 1955-1967 L. ROY LAWRENCE, M.A. 1968-1975 MICHAEL W. WALTERS, B.SC 1975-1982 GEOFFREY H. GREENOUGH, B.A. B.D. 1982-1987 JOHN H. DARCH, M.A. 1988-1999 TS McCABE Bsc 2000-2000 SJ WILSON Btech. 2000-2010 Not yet listed is the current vicar, JOANNA C. PARKER
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