A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.

There Was a Cannery Here

There was a cannery here before the aquarium The Monterey Bay Aquarium stands on the site of the old Hovden Cannery. In its heyday, the cannery processed tons of sardines every day. But by the...

There was a cannery here before the aquarium

The Monterey Bay Aquarium stands on the site of 
the old Hovden Cannery. In its heyday, the cannery 
processed tons of sardines every day. But by the 1960s 
the sardines had disappeared, and the cannery closed 
its doors in 1972.

Now you can see shimmering schools of silvery 
sardines-- and many other local animals-- alive and 
thriving in the aquarium's world-renowned exhibits.

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