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The Bexhill Smuggling Trail

The Bexhill Smuggling Trail
The Sluice
The Star Inn is ancient, probably dating back to the 15th century when Wallers Haven, the artificial channel that links the river Ash Bourne to the sea was cut, and this site, Wallers Haven Sluice, established. The Star Inn was on the main highway between Hasings and Pevensey and was a known haunt of smugglers until the early 19th century.
The Little Common Gang of Smugglers concealed their two luggers at a secret location near here; they were The Long Boat and The Princess Charlotte. The marsh was difficult for the authorities to patrol and local knowledge was needed to cross it safely, particularly at night.
A pitched battle was fought here in February 1822 between the Little Common Gang and men of the Coast Blockade. About three hundred smugglers assembled outside The Star to await the arrival of The Princess Charlotte. Before the ship made landfall, an armed party of blockademen arrived and broke up the gathering with gunfire, shooting one of the smugglers in the process. The Princess Charlotte then put back to see, and one account of the incident tells of a mysterious lady who had been waiting for the ship, in a coach pulled by six horses. On the arrival of the blockademen she drove off at speed. Perhaps she was a spy or secret agent, as the smugglers provided a useful way of crossing the Channel and sending messages without detection.


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