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Summer White House That Was Never Built

PLAQUE:In 1911, John Brisbane Walker, owner of the property that is now Mount Falcon Park, promoted the idea of a Summer White House. The cornerstone of Colorado yule marble was laid on July 4,...

In 1911, John Brisbane Walker, owner of the property that is now Mount Falcon Park, promoted the idea of a Summer White House. The cornerstone of Colorado yule marble was laid on July 4, 1914 on this proposed site for the building. What you see here is all that remains of his dream to create a "castle in the clouds" for the enjoyment of the Presidents of the United States.

Modeled after castles in Europe, the idea was to give the President a place to spend time enjoying Colorado. John Walker hired Denver architect J.B. Benedict to draw up renderings for a 22-room castle on Mount Falcon. The design sketches were made in an effort to promote the idea and raise funds to being construction. Proposals to fund construction included a scheme to persuade the nation's school children to contribute their pennies.

Shortly afterward, Walker became involved with other projects and his plans for the summer White House never materialized. However, his vision of preserving the natural beauty of Colorado continues in Mount Falcon Park.     

Summer Home
for the 
of the
The gift of the people of Colorado


Submitted by John Bradley JEB

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