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Revolutionary War Soldiers Interred In Shelby County

Major Joseph Hardaway Captain Nathaniel Moore Lieutenant John Bolton Lieutenant Clement McDaniel James Avery Joseph Ballew John Daugherty Kader Harrell William Hillis John Holliday James G. Hooker...

Major Joseph Hardaway Captain Nathaniel Moore Lieutenant John Bolton Lieutenant Clement McDaniel James Avery Joseph Ballew John Daugherty Kader Harrell William Hillis John Holliday James G. Hooker William Hope Patrick Meagher William McFerrin William Irvine Fielding Reynolds John Smith Sims Standley Thomas White Presented by: Watauga Chapter Daughters of American Revolution Organized: 19 April 1894 Dedicated 21 February 1997

Submitted from the Shelby County Register's Office.

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