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North Berkeley Congregational (Grace North) Church

NORTH BERKELEY CONGREGATIONAL (GRACE NORTH) CHURCH James W. Plachek, Architect, 1913   When architect James Plachek was hired at the age of 29 to design this church, it was his first major...

James W. Plachek, Architect, 1913
When architect James Plachek was hired at the age of 29 to design this church, it was his first major commission in Berkeley. He later designed many public and commercial buildings, including the Berkeley Public Library. Because of its similarity to many Arts and Crafts-style homes of the same era, the church was nicknamed the "Berkeley Bungalow Church." Although nearly half its parishioners lost their homes in the 1923 Berkeley Fire, the church itself narrowly escaped destruction.
Founded in 1892, the parish survived great social changes, renaming itself several times. It reincorporated as Grace North Church in 1995.
Berkeley Historical Plaque Project

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