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Minnie F. Corbitt Memorial Museum

Here about 1873, on Lot No. 1, S.J. Henderson built the first residence in Pearson, then the terminu of the Brunswick and Albany R.R. Sucessively the home of prominent families in early Pearson...

Here about 1873, on Lot No. 1, S.J. Henderson built the first residence in Pearson, then the terminu of the Brunswick and Albany R.R. Sucessively the home of prominent families in early Pearson history, in 1905 it became the residence of Martin S. Corbitt, Ordinary of Atkinson County 1928 - 1936. In 1955, at the request of Mrs. Corbitt abd her sons, the house was dedicated by the City of Pearson and John Floyd Chapter D.A.R. to the perpeutation of memory of south Georgia pioneers and their way of life.

GHM 002-3 Georgia Historical Commision 1956

Plaque courtesy Lat34North.com.

Original page, with additional info, here.

Photo credit: Byron Hooks of Lat34North.com.

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