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Middle Redoubt marker, Battle of Washington Heights, 1776

This bronze tablet is in the Easterly Division of Trinity Church Cemetery & Mausoleum in Washington Heights, New York, NY. Affixed to a boulder near West 153rd Street and Amsterdam Avenue, the...

This bronze tablet is in the Easterly Division of Trinity Church Cemetery & Mausoleum in Washington Heights, New York, NY. Affixed to a boulder near West 153rd Street and Amsterdam Avenue, the plaque reads:

“This marks the Middle Redoubt built by the American Army 1776. At this point on Nov. 16, 1776 under General Washington occurred some of the fiercest fighting of the Battle of Washington Heights.

“Erected by Washington Heights Chapter N.S.D.A.R. May 5, 1929.”

Other references say the boulder itself was taken from the rubble of fortifications that once stood here.

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