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Korean War Memorial

The Korean War "The Forgotten War - Remembered" June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953 Fifty-four years after the Cessation of Hostilities on the Korean Peninsula, we gather here to dedicate this Korean...

The Korean War "The Forgotten War - Remembered" June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953 Fifty-four years after the Cessation of Hostilities on the Korean Peninsula, we gather here to dedicate this Korean War Veterans Memorial to those brave Americans and South Koreans who fought so valiantly to preserve the freedom of that Country. The United States Armed Forces suffered 33,665 American killed in action in Korea; 3,2275 died there from non-hostile causes. TOTAL: 36,940 Americans died on Korean soil 92,134 Americans Wounded in action 3,176 Americans still Missing in Action Of those who died in Battle: 27,709 U.S. Army; 4,269 Marines; 1,198 Air Force and 465 Navy. 7,140 became Prisoners of War. A total of 1,739,000 Americans served in Korean Theater during the Korean War - June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953. South Korea sustained 533,641 military casualties, including 137,889 dead. Excluding the United States, casualties among the 20 other United Nations who sent their young men to this War totaled 15,876 casualties including 3,730 who died there. Estimated Communist casualties are over 2 million. Those United Nations who participated in the 3 year War are: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Columbia, Ethiopia, France, Great Britain, Greece, Holland, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, Denmark, India, Italy, Norway and Sweden. Some of us were fortunate enough to have come home from the War and resume our lives with our families. Others never returned.

Submitted from the Shelby County Register's Office.

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