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KANSAS INDIAN TREATY In 1825 President James Monroe approved a bill providing for the survey of the Santa Fe Trail from Missouri to New Mexico and the making of treaties to insure friendly...

KANSAS INDIAN TREATY In 1825 President James Monroe approved a bill providing for the survey of the Santa Fe Trail from Missouri to New Mexico and the making of treaties to insure friendly relations with Indians along the route. A mile west of this sign, on Dry Turkey Creek, a monument marks the site of a council on August 16, 1825, between U.S. Commissioners Reeves, Sibley and Mather, and Son-ja-inga and fifteen other head men of the Kansas or Kaw nation. Negotiations were conducted through 'Old Bill' Williams, a noted guide and trapper. For a consideration of $800 in cash and merchandise the chiefs promised that the tribe would not molest travelers. Earlier, at Council Grove, a similar treaty was made with the Osage Indians.

Old US-81, McPherson County
4 miles southeast of K-61 junction

Plaque via Kansas Historical Society, and is used with their permission. Full page

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