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Indian Treaty No. 1

This plaque stands near the entrance to Lower Fort Garry next to another plaque about the fort. It is written in English and French. Here is the English transcription: INDIAN TREATY NO. 1 To...

This plaque stands near the entrance to Lower Fort Garry next to another plaque about the fort. It is written in English and French. Here is the English transcription:


To promote peaceful settlement of the newly acquired western territories after 1870, Canada negotiated a series of trades with the native peoples. Here, on 3 August 1871, the first of these treaties was signed by Mis-kee-ke-new, Ka-ke-ka-penais, Na-sha-ke-penais, Na-na-wa-nanan, Ke-we-tay-ask, Wa-ko-wush and Oo-za-we-kwun, representing the Ojibway and Swampy Cree people of Manitoba, and Wemyss Simpson on behalf of the Crown. In return for reserves and the promise of annuity payments, livestock and farming implements, the Indians ceded the land comprising the original province of Manitoba.

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