A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.

Henry C. Ostermann Memorial Seat

Top Plaque: In memory of  Henry C. Ostermann Vice President and Field Secretary of the Lincoln Highway Association killed on the Highway, in Iowa June 8, 1920.   Second Plaque: Erected by The...

Top Plaque:

In memory of 

Henry C. Ostermann

Vice President and Field Secretary

of the Lincoln Highway Association

killed on the Highway, in Iowa

June 8, 1920.


Second Plaque:

Erected by

The Lincoln Highway Association

and the Following Contributors

(List of contributors from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, California, and Minnesota follows)


Third Plaque:

The Ideal Section of the Lincoln Highway



Fourth Plaque:

Sauk (Sak) Trail

Pioneer Indian trail originally connecting Rock Island and Detroit. Indians and early settlers traversed this route including Black Hawk (1767-1838), Chief of the Sauk Indians. Trail now alternates between US 30 and 330 across Lake County.

Erected and dedicated August 2, 1969

Timothy Ball Chapter

Daughters of the American Revolution


Fifth Plaque:

The Ideal Section of the Lincoln Highway

A model stretch of object-lesson road built by

The Lincoln Highway Association

with the co-operation and financial aid of

The Federal Government,

The State of Indiana,

and Lake County, Indiana,

with funds contributed by

The United States Rubber Company.

Specifications were determined by a technical committee of leading engineers. Illumination by the General Electric Company.

Built in 1921, this was the finest section of road in the world.


Submitted by: Stephen Sostaric

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