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Hemingway’s Michigan #6: Jesperson’s Restaurant

This plaque is the sixth in a series by the Michigan Hemingway Society about the iconic author’s life in Michigan.
Located at .


Hemingway’s Michigan

Jesperson’s Restaurant

Established in 1906, this Petoskey favorite is noted for its home-style cooking. Jesperson’s was said to be a favorite hangout of Hemingway and his Petoskey friend, Dutch Pailthorp. Its long lunch counter suggests the ones in Hemingway’s story, “The Killers” and in his novel, The Torrents of Spring. Additionally, the original owner, Yorgen Jesperson, may have inspired the character Jogi Johnson in Hemingway’s novel, The Torrents of Spring.

Michigan Hemingway Society 2012
For more information please visit

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