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Heliconian Hall

This distinctive hall, home of the Heliconian Club since 1923, was built as a Carpenter Gothic Revival Style church in 1876. Established in 1909, the club brought together professional women from...

This distinctive hall, home of the Heliconian Club since 1923, was built as a Carpenter Gothic Revival Style church in 1876. Established in 1909, the club brought together professional women from an eclectic mix of artistic disciplines, including music, art, dance, drama, and literature, offering a much needed venue where they were free to express, share, and develop their talents at a time when men dominated the arts. Heliconian Hall, with its stage, exhibit space, and fine acoustics, has served as an important centre for artistic activity, promoting the place of women in the arts in Canada.

Plaque via Alan L. Brown's site Toronto Plaques. Full page here.

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