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Grave of Francis Bellamy

The Grave of Francis Bellamy in Rome, New York. Bellamy was a minister whom penned the Pledge of Allegiance to support a 1890s campaign to place an American flag in every classroom. "I pledge...

The Grave of Francis Bellamy in Rome, New York. Bellamy was a minister whom penned the Pledge of Allegiance to support a 1890s campaign to place an American flag

in every classroom.

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all".

The 'under God' wording was added decades later.  Many forget that for its first fifty years, the pledge was recited by schoolchildren while giving the Bellamy salute. Google that phrase!

Since the closing of its Air Force base, Rome has had to weather some rough economic conditions.  But thankfully the city has kept Bellamy's grave and monument in pristine condition.

Visitors can admire numerous Civil War graves in the same cemetery.

Photo and description by Alan R Reno


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