A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.

Ginko Tree

This tree is to be forever known as the Tree of Remembrance It is placed here at personal expense to represent the natural genetic makeup of the Chinese Ginkgo Tree. This is one of the few trees...

This tree is to be forever known as the Tree of Remembrance

It is placed here at personal expense to represent the 
natural genetic makeup of the Chinese Ginkgo Tree. 
This is one of the few trees in the world that does not 
have a biological lifespan. It continues to live and with 
slow growth, produces a leaf each year with another
crease representing each year of existence. 

This Tree of Remembrance represents this park and all the people 
who create it for the future use of the others. May the people who use 
the park always remember its symbol of never ending good life.

Peter F. Secchia, 2016

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