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Geary's Division

July 20, 1864. Gen. J.W. Geary´s 2d div., 20th A.C. [Union] occupied this ridge which was some 300 yds. in advance of Williams´ 1st div. on his rt., & Ward´s 3d, on his left -- all facing...

July 20, 1864. Gen. J.W. Geary´s 2d div., 20th A.C. [Union] occupied this ridge which was some 300 yds. in advance of Williams´ 1st div. on his rt., & Ward´s 3d, on his left -- all facing southward.

His three brigades: Candy´s, Jones´ & Ireland´s were massed on the ridge together with Aleshire´s artillery. These troops were from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania & Ohio; most of them had served under Geary at Gettysburg.

This commanding ridge, overlook Tanyard Branch valley, was the critical point of the Federal position -- the objective of Confederate assaults by Walthall´s & Loring´s divs. of Stewart´s A.C. [Confederate] on the Federal center.

GHM 060-41 - Georgia Historical Commission - 1955

Plaque courtesy Lat34North.com.

Original page, with additional info, here.

Photo credit: Byron Hooks of Lat34North.com.

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