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Former bridge "julianabrug"

This plaque tells about the brifge "julianabrug" that was here from 1931 until 1957. The bridge became too narrow for the growing traffic, and was replaced with the "oranjebrug" just north of this...

This plaque tells about the brifge "julianabrug" that was here from 1931 until 1957. The bridge became too narrow for the growing traffic, and was replaced with the "oranjebrug" just north of this spot. In 1934 a friar with the name "F Alarm" was killed in an accident on the bridge, and it was decided that the street leading up to the bridge was renamed in his honor. To this day the street is called "broeder alarmstraat". The plaque als holds a poem dedicated to it (O, small beloved bridge, you could not cope with the traffic anymore...) Submitted by Danny Kalkhoven

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