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Eddie L. Dorsey, MD; Ima Pierson, DDS; Howard C. Scoggins, MD; Luins Williams, MD

  May 17-18, 1944   Along with leaders of the newly formed NAACP chapter, Drs. Dorsey, Pierson, Scoggins, and Williams were violently expelled from Iberia Parish on May 17-18, 1944, because they...

  May 17-18, 1944  
Along with leaders of the newly formed NAACP chapter, Drs. Dorsey, Pierson, Scoggins, and Williams were violently expelled from Iberia Parish on May 17-18, 1944, because they supported Black workers, who successfully petitioned the federal government for a welding school. As welders, the workers anticipated access to industrial jobs and better pay. Local segregationists resisted, wanting to restrict them to low-wage agricultural & service jobs. NAACP chapter leaders were also expelled, some brutally: Herman Faulk, J. Leo Hardy, Octave Lilly, and Franzella Volter.

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