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Credit Foncier Building (850 W Hastings)

CITY OF VANCOUVER   HERITAGE BUILDING   Credit Foncier Building   Architects: H.L. Stevens and Company   The Credit Foncier Franco-Canadien Company of Montreal chose this prominent location for...





Credit Foncier Building


Architects: H.L. Stevens and Company


The Credit Foncier Franco-Canadien Company of

Montreal chose this prominent location for its western

headquarters in 1913. Fine materials, including

granite, decorative terra cotta, and an elaborate

copper cornice, are combined with the

well-articulated base, middle, and top portions of

the building to create this good example of 

Edwardian Commercial architecture.


Photo of the building: https://s3.amazonaws.com/spacelist-paperclip/datas/000/009/344/original/1.jpeg?1410611737 (Trade and Invest B.C. ©)

Attribution: Jennie Eggleston

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