Cette plaque commémorative offerte par monsieur Milt Forrest au mon du peuple Américain a été inaugurée le 23 mai 1960 sous le haut patronage de son excellence monsieur l’ambassadeur des états-unis d’Amérique en France
Birthplace of the Statue of Liberty
Ici naquit la statue de la liberté
This commemorative plaque, presented by Mr. Milt Forrest on behalf of the American people, was inaugurated May 23, 1960 under the high patronage of His Excellency the Ambassador of the USA in France.
This nondescript plaque is located at 25 Rue de Chazelles, Paris. It’s affixed to the side of a private hospital, beside a service entrance.
Quite an understated commemoration of the place where the Statue of Liberty was built. For a city so intent on preserving its political, architectural, and cultural heritage, this plaque is really a pitiful acknowledgement. The building it is affixed to is nothing special, probably built after 1950.