Born April 3, 1740 in Nantes, France Died June 23, 1824 in Pointe Coupee Parish, LA Statesman, Poet and Philanthropist
Here, in Nizhny Novgorod noble institute, in 1892-1894. The commander of the legendary gunboat ''Sivuch'', Commander of the Order of St. George, Captain of the 1st Rank, studied here....
St. Mark Baptist Church was erected in 1877 at Chamberlin. St. Mark began as a barge structure for 44 years when pulled from the Mississippi River and taken by wagons to this spot. Over...
1937 here in the former experimental and demonstration school. V.I.Lenin in 1921-1927 studied here the outstanding polar researcher geophysicist of the first drifting station "North Pole-1". Hero...
In Memory of the Victims of Flight 759 July 9, 1982
Organized in 1957 as the YWCA Kennerettes by a group of young ladies and women from the Kenner / Metairie area. The organization promotes spiritual, educational, recreational, and...
Here was born LOPATIN GERMAN ALEXANDROVICH 1845-1918 Member of the General Council of the First International, the first translator into Russian of the fundamental work of K. Marx (Capital).
Kenner Community Band was organized in 1944 by Henry "Teddy" Stewart and Rodney Jones. Band was under the direction of Maestro Wilson. In 1960, renowned drummer and singer Joseph...
Lehi Public Safety Officers MemorialFor of those to whom much is given, much is required. When at some future date the high court of history sits in judgement on each of us - recording whether in...
Organized in October of 1952 by a group of educators who worked at Washington Elementary School. The mission of the organization is to provide humanitarian services to enhance community life. The...
T 58RESTONA "NEW TOWN"In 1961, Robert E. Smith Jr. began developing6,750 acres of Sunset Hills Farm as a communityopen to all races, ages, and incomes. Workingwith Simon, the architectural firm of...
Architect Blum E. Hester, who designed the Creighton Theatre, drew the plans for this house in 1933. Built for William Arthur "Bay" Evans (1900-1954) and his wife Garnet, the residence features...
Here Vasily Vasilyevich ROSANOV, an outstanding Russian philosopher, writer and publicist, studied at the Nizhny Novgorod provincial men's gymnasium from 1872 to 1878.
In salute to the officers and men, living and dead, of the U.S.S. "San Francisco" A warship named for our city, which, though sorely wounded, emerged triumphantly from the Battle of Guadalcanal,...
Alexander Sadofievich Komlev studied at this school. Died while performing international duty in the Republic of Afghanistan on August 29, 1980. For courage and courage he was posthumously awarded...
Louis Baer, an immigrant from France, was joined at this site in 1933, by the Babineaux brothers, Lionel, Desire, and Pete, to form the Louisiana Frog Company acclaimed "The Largest Shippers...